Manipulating Lister Entries

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  The main purpose of the listers is to enable you to manipulate files/dirs 
easily.  The commands below are the main ones used for; finding information 
about a file/directory, selecting entries, removing and adding entries. 
 dopus getfiletype   
  This command returns the Filetype of a file or directory as defined in 
your Filetypes, it does not need a lister to work. 
 lister query entry  
  This command provides every bit of information you can get on a file or 
directory, datestamp, protection, comment, etc, etc. 
  With the commands below, it is necessary to perform a  lister refresh  
after them in order to have the lister display updated. 
 lister select       
  This command lets you select and unselect entries in listers, perhaps your 
script lets users select files then pick an action, as each file is processed 
you could unselect it in the lister display giving the user direct visual 
feedback of the progress. 
 lister remove       
  The  lister remove  command lets you remove entries from the display, it 
doesn't remove them from the storage medium, just the display. 
 lister add          
  This command is simpler than the one below, but as a result, is nowhere 
near as powerful,  lister addstem  should be used in preference.  It is here 
for the sake of completeness. 
 lister addstem      
  This command allows you to add entries to listers, but it is not restricted 
to just entries.  It can add arbitrary display strings and popup menus as 

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